The Private Sector Consultative Group of the World Customs Organization met in Brussels on April 22. The meeting was led by PSCG Chair Jaime King, a past chair of the IFCBA, who warmly welcomed the new WCO Secretary General, Ian Saunders. Mr. Saunders spoke about the WCO theme of the year: Customs Engaging Traditional and New Partners with Purpose.
IFCBA can certainly be considered as a traditional partner of the WCO, and we have acted with purpose, supporting the development and implementation s standards and instruments, as well as guidelines and capacity building activities. We look forward to continuing to be a partner with purpose in the months and years ahead.
A meeting of IFCBA members will be held at WCO Headquarters in Brussels on June 3-4, to discuss some of the same subjects considered by the PSCG in the conversation with Secretary General Saunders. We hope to see you there!
A summary of the PSCG meeting can be found at the following link: