IFCBA: A WCO Partner with Purpose

Following is a media release/press release about the IFCBA’s meeting at the World Customs Organization on June 3-4. It was a great success, with opportunities for learning, expression and sharing of views, and networking with friends and colleagues from the IFCBA as well as the WCO Secretariat. 

Please check back to the “photos” section of the website to reminisce or see what you have missed! Thanks to everyone who has contributed photographs. We welcome candid photo as well as more formal ones.

Please circulate this information within your national associations and with your local contacts, and through social media. You may wish to add local commentary, and include local contact information as a follow-up. 

Thanks to all who travelled to Brussels. And for everyone - mark your calendars now for the IFCBA 2025 Kyoto World Conference, March 25-28, 2025 – we’ll see you there!