WTO issues “compliance” panel report on EU’s AD measures on fasteners from China

On 7 August 2015, the WTO issued the “compliance” panel report in the case “European Communities — Definitive anti-dumping measures on certain iron or steel fasteners from China” 

The review regulation explained the determinations made by the European Commission and concluded that the injurious dumping determined in the original investigation was confirmed and that the definitive duties on the product should continue, at revised rates.

In this dispute, China's claims exclusively pertained to the conduct of the review investigation by the Commission which China considered had not fully and correctly implemented the DSB recommendations and rulings and was inconsistent with the various provisions of the Anti-Dumping Agreement (AD Agreement).

This has been excerpted from the 7 August 2015 edition of the World Trade Organization's website at: https://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news15_e/397rw_e.htm