
The following is a 12 April 2012 news item from the World Trade Organization.On 12 April 2012, India requested consultations with the US under the dispute settlement system concerning the latter’s countervailing duties on certain steel products from India.This item is available in its entirety at…

The following is a 12 April 2012 news item from the World Trade Organization.World trade expanded in 2011 by 5.0%, a sharp deceleration from the 2010 rebound of 13.8%, and growth will slow further still to 3.7% in 2012, WTO economists project. They attributed the slowdown to the global economy…

The following is a 4 April 2012 news item from the World Trade Organization.On 4 April 2012, Honduras requested consultations with Australia under the dispute settlement system concerning the latter’s certain measures concerning trademark and other plain packaging requirements applicable to tobacco…

The following is a 4 April 2012 news item from the World Trade Organization.The Appellate Body, on 4 April 2012, issued its report in the case “United States — Measures Affecting the Production and Sale of Clove Cigarettes” (WT/DS406/AB/R).This item is available in its entirety at:…

The following is excerpted from a 30 March 2012 news item by the World Trade Organization.At the Council for Trade in Goods meeting on 30 March 2012, 14 members jointly expressed their deepening concern about Argentina’s import-licensing measures. Argentina maintained these measures were compatible…

The following item has been updated on the Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada website.Ongoing FTA NegotiationsExploratory Discussions towards a Canada-Turkey Free Trade Agreement…

The following is excerpted from a 26 March 2012 report by the World Customs Organization.Under the framework of the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), Japan Customs organized a Round Table on high-level dialogue with Customs administrations from member countries of the…

The following is excerpted from a 21 March 2012 news item by the World Trade Organization.A year and a half after concerns were first raised on commitment-breaching domestic support for rice, Costa Rica told WTO members on 21 March 2012 that it still cannot say when it will bring its support level…

The following is excerpted from a 23 March 2012 news item by the World Trade Organization.The WTO Secretariat has circulated a meeting notice and list of items proposed for the next meeting, on 23 March 2012, of the Dispute Settlement Body, which consists of all WTO members and oversees legal…